Thursday, December 15, 2011

Weeks of 12/12 and 12/19

I hope everyone was able to attend last night's Advent service that was led by the sixth through eighth graders.  They shared their talents beautifully, and hopefully, that helped all of us to calm our busy minds and refocus on the meaning of this often hectic season.  We lost some instruction time to prepare for that service, but we are jumping right back in to get some things wrapped up in time for our Christmas break.

Seventh graders have been working on their creation projects as a culminating project for our creation vs. evolution unit.  Projects are due on Wednesday, and we will begin sharing them at that time.  Students have had two class periods to work on this in school.

Eighth grade is finishing up Chapter 13 - possibly by break time.  We are learning about chemical bonding.  We are also learning a programming tool that will be used to share some of our new chemical knowledge sometime after Christmas.

May your family enjoy a safe, peaceful, and blessed Christmas holiday!

                               Mrs. Baarck

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Week of 12/6

Eighth grade will be finishing their Periodic Table chapter and have a test on Thursday.  We will then move right into chemical bonding - one of my favorite areas of science!  Element projects are due on Monday, December 12.  There is no more class time to work on these, so plan accordingly.

Seventh grade is beginning our Creation vs. Evolution unit.  We will be discussing the history behind the theory of evolution and reviewing our knowledge of the account of creation in Genesis 1.  We will share our faith, but also learn some scientific proof for creation.  I want my students to be able to answer questions about why they believe what they believe and be able to give non-christians some scientific food for thought.  Creation has scientific proof behind it, and evolution is not the accepted fact that it is often taught as.