Monday, January 31, 2011

Week of 1/31

So... Eighth grade has finished their chemistry units and now moves on to physics! We will begin our study of forces, speed, gravity and acceleration. Later in the week we will study the movement of dominoes. If anyone has some that we could use, students bring them in!

Seventh grade continues its study of the six kingdoms. We will have a test on protists and fungi on Tuesday. Their fungus poems turned out awesome!! We will then begin our look at the animal kingdom, saving the plants for some warmer weather!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Week of 1/24 used to seem that things slowed down a bit in the winter. Not so much anymore!! Eighth grade is finishing up their unit on chemistry with a final chapter starting this week. We will be doing a really interesting lab on Friday which will have the students creating their own indicator for acids and bases.

Seventh grade is continuing their trek through each of the kingdoms. We are now focused on fungi. This week we will take a closer look at the lowly mushroom and will also work with our creative side to create poems about the many types of fungi! Test will be on Friday already.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Week of 1/10

Both 7th and 8th grades have very involved science activities to look forward to this week. Eighth grade is reaching the height of their chemistry unit by learning about chemical reactions. They will learn how to write and balance chemical equations. We will be doing activities and internet practice to help us learn these new concepts.

Seventh grade is beginning its study of each kingdom in the classification system. This chapter we will be focusing on bacteria. Ask your child if all bacteria is bad? Can bacteria be used as medicine? What area of the school used the most bacteria? They should know the answers to all of these questions by the end of the week!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Week of 1/3

Welcome back! I pray everyone had a restful and rejunvenating break. Hallelujah! Christ is born!!

Both 7th and 8th grades will have a chapter test on Thursday of this week. We will do some extra review to refresh our memories of things learned "last year"! The second qtr. ends in two weeks, so keep an eye on your child's grades and assignments.