This unseasonably warm weather is great for recess duty, but, being a die-hard Michigander, I miss snow!! However, with no possible snow days in the foreseeable future, we are going to get a lot of learning done!
Seventh grade is starting a chapter on bacteria. Where do you think bacteria thrives the best in our school? Seventh graders will know after they conduct their lab this week. Eighth grade will be learning more than they probably wanted to know about chemical formulas and equations. Get ready parents - do you remember how to balance chemical equations? :)
If you are struggling to find out what your child has to study or wonder just what a certain project entails, I always post notes, review games, and project details in ebackpack. Don't let your child tell you he/she doesn't know what that is - they do! And they know how to access all of it.
Reminder - 2nd quarter ends Friday, Jan. 20. Keep an eye on your child's grades and missing work.
God's Blessings,
Mrs. Baarck